The Ox That Rocks

By Alixandra Rutnik on Feb 26, 2021

Student art inspired by the Lunar New Year

Gōng Xǐ Fā Cái! We’re celebrating the Year of the Ox here at The One Club for Creativity! If you were born in the year 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, or 2009, get ready for a little extra success, wellness, and prosperity this year — the energy is flowing. Happy Lunar New Year!

For the Lunar New Year, we teamed with our One Club China colleagues to share some Lunar New Year inspired artwork with you all, courtesy of the many students who are part of our creative community. We've been sharing their incredible work across our social channels, but in case you missed it, now is your chance to catch up!

Zhou Motao
Changchun University of Architecture
Visual Communication Design

Since 2021 is the Year of the Ox in the Chinese lunar calendar, the ox has been added to the poster. "New" is homonymous with the Chinese character “ox,” so there is an interesting arrangement between "Happy New Year" and “Happy Year of the Ox.”

The background is composed of three colors: white represents the innocence of children, blue represents the simplicity and optimism of Chinese people, and orange represents auspiciousness and wealth.

The fairy ox symbolizes peace and fortune, and the two cranes symbolize longevity and auspiciousness.

The poster depicts some scenes of the traditional Chinese New Year, such as visiting the door to pay a New Year visit, dancing children, setting off fireworks, mothers and grandmothers making dumplings, etc. The scenes are lively and interesting, and the whole family gets together.

周沫涛 | 长春建筑学院 | 视觉传达设计 | 长春建筑学院,学生
因为2021是中国农历的牛年,添加了牛主要元素,文本标题部分new和中国文字“牛”是谐音,所以“happy new year”和“牛年大吉”之间有了有趣的排班形式。背景 由三种颜色组成,米白色代表孩童的纯真烂漫,青蓝色代表中国人的朴实和乐观,橙黄色代表吉祥富贵。仙牛寓意着平安和财运,两只仙鹤寓意着长寿,吉祥。海报描绘的是中国人传统过年的一些场景有好有登门拜年,孩子们舞狮,放鞭炮,妈妈和奶奶包饺子等,场景热闹有趣,阖家团圆

Zhang Jiahui
Sanya University

In this poster I wanted to reflect the unique Chinese ink and paint style– quiet and far-reaching. The two cows are dressed in red and looking at each other, which means that the new year is coming.

张佳慧 | 三亚学院 | 广告学

Wang Tiancao
Changchun University of Architecture
Visual Communication Design

The New Year is a joyous time because it brings families together and blesses their health. Because of the pandemic, the Chinese New Year has new rules in place– no reunions or fireworks are allowed. However, the joy of the New Year will be continued via gaming with friends, family video chats, and virtual fireworks.

王天草 | 长春建筑学院 | 视觉传达设计 | 长春建筑学院 学生


In this painting, the Year of the Ox is combined with mountains and rivers, which reflects China’s magnificence.

徐萌 | 吉林艺术学院

Siwen Jiang
Changchun University of Architecture
Visual Communication Design

The poster design is inspired by the Chinese Lunar New Year customs. Typically, on the twenty-ninth day of the lunar calendar, "stickers of good fortune" are put on windows, doors, and other places. On the 30th day of the lunar month, the family gathers and lights the "New Year fire" to welcome the New Year. After the New Year, from the first to the fifth day of the Lunar New Year, the elderly give red envelopes to children.

姜斯雯 | 长春建筑学院 | 视觉传达设计 | 长春建筑学院,学生
以中国农历新年的习俗为设计灵感,选取新年时的三种习俗进行设计。一般来说农历二十九“贴福”将福贴在窗子,门等地方。腊月三十“守岁”合家欢聚,点燃“岁火"迎接新年。年后的初一到初五“拜年",老人会给孩子发红包 结合以上的习俗选取其中的窗、灯笼、红包这些元素融入字体设计当中使春节的习俗更加明了

Jia Yuxin

My work uses font design and four phrases: "turn losses into profits, turn around the future, reverse COVID-19, and turn the tables." I translate the word "twist" into "cow" to imply that we can reverse all the bad and twist it into all good things in the year of the ox.


Zhangwenjiang Wenhaowen Huangjuxian Jiangjiahui Chensiting
Guangdong Institute of Construction Technology
Digital Media Application, Visual Communication Design, & Production

I made this poster to spread the Chinese Spring Festival culture. 2021 is the Year of the Ox, so I used the ox as the main object and the characteristics of the ox as the decoration. The street is filled with Chinese characteristics and every household is decorated with lanterns. The children drive away the new year beast and welcome the new year with the sound of firecrackers. The streets are bustling and full of the new year's flavor. The breeze blows and lanterns dance in the wind– it seems that they are nodding to the passer-by, who look forward to the new year.

Mu Zhen Wei
Visual Communication Design

To endow the Year of the Ox, I combined traditional Chinese painting and calligraphy with the image of the God of Wealth. The poster also has elements of the character, Niu He Cai.

母振伟 | 吉林艺术学院 | 视觉传达设计

Zhang Anqi
Visual Communication Design

I incorporated the ox into the graphic design of the poster. The different patterns express the Chinese New Year, the sad and ugly ox, and traditional Chinese culture. I used the color red to capture the festivity of the new year.

张安琪 | 吉林艺术学院 | 视觉传达设计

Chen Yutong
Changchun University of Architecture
Visual Communication Design

I hand painted these posters with bright colors and specific lunar new year elements to highlight the New Year.

陈昱彤 | 长春建筑学院 | 视觉传达设计 | 长春建筑学院,学生

Li Mengqi
Changchun University of Architecture
Visual Communication Design

My poster is based on the traditional Chinese New Year festival customs from the first day to the fifth day of the lunar new year. The dynamic calendar says “good luck in the Year of the Ox.”

Wei Siqi
Changchun University of Architecture
Visual Communication Design

The color red is part of traditional Chinese culture. In mythology, New Year's Eve is the day of the destruction of the New Year's beast, and the color red is one of the three fears of the New Year's beast. The overall image resembles a bull to represent the upcoming Year of the Ox.

卫思琪 | 长春建筑学院 | 视觉传达设计 | 长春建筑学院, 学生

Yang Chen
Changchun University of Architecture
Visual Communication Design

The Spring Festival is the beginning of the new year and it represents the hope of happiness. The Spring Festival couplet drives away evil spirits, eliminates disasters, and welcomes prosperity. The couplet is a unique literary form. It depicts the times and it expresses good wishes in neat, dual, concise, and exquisite text. During Spring Festival, whether in urban or rural areas, every household must select a pair of red couplets to stick on their door.

杨宸 | 长春建筑学院 | 视觉传达设计 | 长春建筑学院/学生

Yang Li
Jinling Institute of Technology
Visual Communication Design

The meaning of the poster is to be bullish (牛气冲天). Through association, I used a rocket to represent skyrocketing. I combined the rocket with the ox. I wish you all the best in the new year.

Zhonghuan Wei & Zhenwei Luo
Tianjin Normal University

The Light through the Window: During the Spring Festival, people paste up the printed word "Fu" (good fortune) on the doors and windows to express people’s hope for happiness.

We normally say "Happy New Year, but this year is the Year of the Ox. In Chinese, “Niu” means Ox and is homonymous with “new,” so we use “Happy Niu Year.”

We used the One Show logo to make up the window, and added fireworks blooming in the sky. The word “Fu” is illuminating through the window to express that creativity brings people strength and hope.

Happy Lunar New Year from The One Club for Creativity!





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