The One Show

The One Show is the world's most prestigious award show in advertising and design. For over 50 years, the Gold Pencil has been regarded as one of the top prizes in the creative industry. The One Show has a rich legacy of honoring some of the most groundbreaking ideas, created by some of the most remarkable minds in creativity.

2022 One Show - Public Relations


Agency FAHRENHEIT DDB / Lima + Del Mate Producciones / Lima + Fahrenheit Content / Lima

Client Andea Water


Innovation & Transformation / Innovation in Public Relations

Annual ID


About the Work

AWA: The soap that cleans the rivers is a product that seeks to replace traditional soaps forwashing clothes. This soap contains microorganisms with a probiotic function capable of feedingon the pollutants of the rivers, and in this way, using a tradition that by cultural heritage havedifferent communities, generate a new system for improving water quality.
The soap is enriched with microorganisms with a probiotic function, which at the moment ofdetaching from the soap and falling into the water, adhere to the elements present at the bottomof the river, facilitating the proliferation of the organism, and thus begins to feed on the differentpollutants like nitrates, nitrites, and ammonia.
It was composed of various microorganisms (a chemical formula that has been released for theuse of different companies, governments, and organizations) Oils/butter, Sodium hydroxide,sodium chloride, and water.
To develop the soap, we had four main stages: The first was planning and research on variousmicroorganisms that we could use, and that was adapted (09/2019). The next stage was theformulation and adaptation of the selected bacteria (02/2020). The following was the prototypingand testing of the product in two samples of controlled water from the river and the fish tank(08/2020). Finally, after two years of analysis, sampling, and changes in the initial prototype, westarted with the mass production of the commercial product (01/2021)

2022 Awards

Total Points: 3




Fahrenheit DDB / Lima

Production Company

Del Mate Producciones / Lima
Fahrenheit Content / Lima

Music / Sound Production Company

Pelo MadueƱo / Lima

Chief Creative Officer

Ricardo Chadwick

Chief Marketing Officer

Alberto Goachet

Executive Creative Director

Sergio Franco Tosso

Account Director

Fabianna Pezzia

Account Executive

Vania Toledo

Account Supervisor

Anais Mercado

Post Production

Jorge Luis Aviles
Wawin .

3D Design

Emilio Llerena

Production Manager

Vanessa Diaz

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