Young Guns

Young Guns is a portfolio competition awarding creative professionals 30 years and under, including designers, illustrators, entrepreneurs, and more!

2020 Young Guns Work - YG Work

Eat Me / Drink Me

Agency Michelle Watt



Annual ID



With exaggerated color, dimension and shape, these vignettes are a nod to Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. Our model takes us through a world where soft and ripe textures are playfully coupled with phallic symbolism. While this surreal aesthetic is easy to swallow, her aloof expression and robotic gestures make us wonder if she is being manipulated or trapped by something more dark and perverse. These images underscore a duality in the classic tale of adventure and whimsy, wherein lies an undercurrent of struggle and unrest. Alongside Alice, the viewer is seduced by beauty and wonder, just as women are lured by the gratification of their own worship. But perhaps this beauty is a trap door, as women abide by standards created for male satisfaction, dressing up and playing pretty for misguided reasons. This series uncovers a fairy tale wherein the delights of a funhouse often appear identical to its horrors.

My Role was:

Photographer, art director and producer.

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