Young Guns

Young Guns is a portfolio competition awarding creative professionals 30 years and under, including designers, illustrators, entrepreneurs, and more!

2020 Young Guns Work - YG Work

Look at Me Only

Agency Tomoki Misato



Annual ID



I drew a story from a point of view of the man who felt the relationship with his girlfriend is stuck in a rut. Having forgotten exciting feelings of the early days of the relationship, the man drifts along petting his guinea pig.One day he meets a beauty of flower who appreciates the pet. The man fantasize about seeking fresh exciting and making memories through dating another woman.However he reminds him that this exciting was the memory with his girlfriend. A smartphone that is convenient for storing memories. But it's also a tool that can sometimes break the "now."

This work was expressed using various methods such as drawing animation, with a focus on stop motion. I think animation is the world where impossible movement is allowed. I challenged whether it is possible to mix stop motion with drawing expressions that cannot be expressed by puppets.

My Role was:

Direction / Animate / Script / Design / Set & Puppets / Edit

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YG Work
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