Young Ones Student Awards

The Young Ones competition is one of the most acclaimed advertising, interactive and design student competitions. It has a tradition of excellence dating back to 1986.

2022 Young Ones - Young Ones ADC

Mach Mal

School Salzburg University of Applied Sciences / Salzburg


Design for Good / Motion / Film Craft

Annual ID



In a world where depression manifests itself through half-dead bodies, sufferers still encounter a lack of understanding in the form of naïve advice for a more active life.

The illness depression is on everyone's lips these days - yet only a minority knows how depression manifests, feels, and how outsiders best respond to it.
"Depression is an illness, let's treat it as such." - Our claim describes the problem in the current handling of the illness depression, as well as our goal. Our desire with this spot is to provide a basis for conversation that facilitates an exchange about dealing with the illness.
With our social spot, we address people who have not yet recognized their points of contact with the illness depression, as well as ill persons themselves. We convey a sense for both sides that the illness should be taken seriously and does not have to constantly claim a right to exist. Through the emotional effect, the audience recognizes itself in moments when well-intentioned naive advice is questioned.

2022 Awards

Total Points: 3

Student Bronze Cube



Christoph Amort


Christoph Platzer

Sound Designer

Markus Wilfinger


Valentina Lancellotti

Student Team

Oliver Rienzner

College / University

Salzburg University of Applied Sciences


Jakob Vasak
Michael Hamel
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