Young Ones Student Awards

The Young Ones competition is one of the most acclaimed advertising, interactive and design student competitions. It has a tradition of excellence dating back to 1986.

2023 Young Ones - Young Ones One Show

Audiobook Crossing

School Fondazione Accademia di Comunicazione / Milan

Client Spotify


Brief: Spotify / Experiential

Annual ID



Gen Z perceives Spotify only as a music streaming platform, but there’s more. Spotify’s goal is to change this perception, finding a way to push people into the world of audiobooks. So, we created ‘’Audiobook Crossing’’, a new way to do what we love: sharing.
Sharing comes from the need to define ourselves to others. Over the years, music sharing has evolved: vinyls, videotape, CDs, MP3s, and then, finally, social media. Nowadays, we can still exchange our favorite books in the real world, with bookcrossing: we leave a book into the box and take the one we like the most.
But now, it can be different.
We transformed billboards into real digital libraries where people can leave a digital audiobook and take another one in return, quickly and easily, using the NFC proximity system. You just need to hold your phone near the Spotify billboard, connect and exchange your audiobooks.
But sharing doesn’t stop here.
On social media, users can share their favorite titles with just a click. Finally, the campaign was sponsored on billboard, to recall the graphic of the digital audio library.

2023 Awards

Total Points: 1

Student Merit


College / University

Fondazione Accademia di Comunicazione / Milan
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