Young Guns

Young Guns is a portfolio competition awarding creative professionals 30 years and under, including designers, illustrators, entrepreneurs, and more!

2008: Continuously evolving, Young Guns 6 saw efforts to make the competition even more exclusive, by limiting the number of potential winners to 50. This also marked the first year of the Young Guns Cube. While this was essentially a smaller version of the acclaimed ADC Cube, it started a process that would soon become a major part of Young Guns tradition. The Cubes were awarded in a ceremony and exhibition on September 4, 2008.

Young Guns 6

Joel Micah Miller

Joel Micah Miller Photography & Moving Images
Stuttgart, Germany

For Joel, light is more than a photographic tool. In his pictures, it becomes a photographic subject in its own right, lending human figures, landscapes, or even automobiles an almost unearthly lightness. Everything takes off and starts to shimmer a little, almost like in one of those dreams where you can fly. His wonderful exaggerations of reality go far beyond the cheerful monotony of much of contemporary photography. Genuine lightness is, after all, hard to come by.

Parallel to his commercial work, Joel’s fine arts projects have been exhibited in galleries from London and Los Angeles to New York, Paris, Tokyo, and Berlin. Some of his awards include ADC Young Guns, ADC Awards, Adobe Design Achievement Award, Sony World Photography Awards, PDN ́s 30, International Color Awards, International Photography Awards, European Architectural Photography Prize, Golden Eye Award, and the Kodak Fotokalenderpreis.




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